Sunday, January 31, 2010


lauriel bubbles 2

The French Lady and I decided to revert back to our childhood days and spent a good 20 minutes or so blowing bubbles in her backyard today.

Weather: Fine. Blue skies and sun in full force. I swear,  I felt as though I was getting sunburnt and I NEVER, EVER get sunburnt.

lauriel bubbles 1

Pretty colours.

Quite a lot has been going through my mind as of late. Received a letter from the Higher Authorities (a handwritten one, mind you) which was quite nice. Nothing  says personal like a handwritten letter which reminds me that I need to get mine in order and start writing mine.

stellar dance party

The French Lady and I decided to head out to town for a night of dancing.

Well, more like she dancing and me sitting there trying to look busy because honestly, I can’t do freestyle dancing. I need steps and I need a lady.

The thing is, just watching these people dance on the floor that night, it all looked so impersonal. There was no connection whatsoever between the dancers. I wonder whether that was how it was intended to be. Apart from mouthing the lyrics to wayy-too-loud rock songs and waving arms in the air and trying to do fancy 2 step footwork in order to break the monotony of switching feet and displacing weight on alternate feet, there was no visible connection between the dancers. It was all solo stuff and it was not impressive. Even some crappy ceroc would have been welcome or some lame attempt at ballroom. That’s okay. At least there’s the connection.

On second thought, maybe not. Poorly done partner dancing is probably worse than the usual jiggle-and-vibrate style that we see so often in clubs.

And for something completely different, I was having a little tiff with the one of the doctors on the ward. See, he’s Malaysian too. And unlike me, he’s got the racial advantage, if you get my drift.

And as for all Malaysians (well, for those who do anyway) who dream of coming home to the motherland, he asked me whether I was to go home and work. And I said no. In fact, I mentioned, I was thinking of getting citizenship here. Because there’s nothing left for me back there. I can’t do anything at all and besides, pretty much my entire life is now contained here in this country. Sure, I can go home for a holiday but that’s it. No chance of me working there anyway and with the country being the way it is, its time to bail and leave the sinking ship.

But he, of course, views it differently. He wants to make a difference. He wants to go home and make everything better.

And perhaps, I should as well. Perhaps, I should look at the brighter, more positive side of things.

But in light of all that’s happened, I guess I can’t really call Malaysia home anymore.

As dearly as I would like to go home, its no longer home.

But we’ll see what happens, anyway. This year has just begun and already, I’m feeling slightly overwhelmed by it all.

Maybe its time for some good ole Resolutions, eh?


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