Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Long day ahead. Oh dear lord..

Today is just one of those days that you know is going to be absolutely crap. Or crap-er for that matter.
For one, I woke up at the undeity hour of 2.30a.m. I know. Indeed. I woke up because my brain was full of work stuff. Believe it or not, now work haunts me in my sleep! I keep dreaming about having to give patients exercises and getting them to work out and having to supervise so many patients that I was tired before I knew it at the end of it all. But I was physically tired...but mentally alert. Hands up for anyone who has experienced that annoying feeling.
So I got up, made myself a cup of milo and a sandwich, and went back to bed. Or tried to, anyway. Ended up reading a magazine and learning all about celebrity gossip before my eyes started to yo-yo and I could think to myself, "Yes...finally..."
But I woke up this morning at 7.40a.m., completely rushed to the point that I couldn't even have breakfast. I marched to the kitchen, grabbed lunch, and then I was out of there in 3. Made it to work shortly after 8a.m. for which I was scheduled to have a patient. But phew, he didn't confirm and he didn't show up. I would have died a little on the inside if he did.
So its 4 minutes to 9a.m. and my next patient and already, the morning before that had not been good. I've completely misplaced one of my patient's notes and I've ran myself rugged trying to find out where the $*%^ it is. I've kinda given up already this morning and I'm just waiting to get home and put my running shoes and torture myself another way. And I'm also hoping to tire myself out with running so that I don't wake up again in the middle of the night. If I do, I'm asking for morphine. Asking...nah. Taking. And working in a hospital makes it soo much easier.
Life begins when you want it to. Now, I don't really want life to begin. I want to get back under those warm covers and you.


Blogger Ms. Dee said...

Yea, the most horrid thing is to be tired yet cannot sleep. Now I experience it on nights before work starts after holidays and rest days which is baadddd. And the rest of the day will not be nice too. Now I didn't dare to take naps for fear of not being able to sleep at night.

Yea, tire yourself during the day or even drink milk (diary stuff) before sleep. They say it helps.

Hope you're better now. You've been MIA. Oh and Ric, your bestie misses youuuu. xD Drop him a random email or sth or he'll go to your place to give you a hard kick. (that's what he said. lol.)

February 8, 2009 at 2:30 AM  

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