Monday, December 22, 2008

Lazy afternoon

Its 3.05p.m.

The weather is slightly blisteringly hot so that everyone in the house has currently opted for a nap. I'm being serenaded by the sounds of bulldozers.

Skies are also slightly overcast which makes it perfect for heading outside and feeling the heat once more. I'm going to go to work in half an hour...or wait, make that 15 minutes. So just a little update.

Had a good chat to Dory yesterday, late at night and dissecting a new song (for her, old one for me). 

In between yawns and lazy yet quick pecks on the tiny keyboard on which I am perfectly comfortable at present, I am glad that I am only starting work at 3.30 and finishing at the blissful time of 7. Enough time to get dinner, spend some time with family and perhaps even update my WoW character once more.

Yes, folks, I've finally jumped on the WoW bandwagon 4 years after its first appearance.

Another bandwagon that I have jumped off and glad that I did was Facebook. Sooo overrated. And seriously, I need not be poked. I'd rather do the poking. +)

Whether I meet friends or new friends or acquaintances, they ask me, "Are you on Facebook?"

And my jolly answer is, "Nope. And proud of it. But if you want to contact [name of sisters/friends] is on it. So ask them."

Makes life so much easier, doesn't it?

Today is a good day to ponder about life. About love. About the future. About dreams. About stars. About walking on moonshine. About catching falling leaves. About smiling as a familiar fragrance drifts in the air. About hugs and cuddles and laughter.

And you know what? That's all I'm going to do. I'm going to ponder.

I'm not going to try and solve the problems I have regarding all these topics. I'm just going to sit and let them pop by and say hello. I'm going to give them a hug, a kiss, and send them on their way. I'm going to shake their hand and say "Aloha" in a really laidback way and then I'm going to wave them off as they say their farewells. 

No long chats today. No long, serious discussions, as much as I am fond of them. But not today. 

The sun is out and I am feeling lazy. 

So today, I will sit down with a glass of iced lemon tea and ponder everything about me. And smile. Because whether it is sad or it is happy or whatever, its me. And its made me who I am. 

So I'll sit down today and think about my life philosophy. And then I'll say hi to my past. My childhood memories, perhaps. Then I might jump to work and 6am starts and how I finally managed to earn money with my two hands. And after that, ooh, ooh, I might think about dance and all the wonderful things I've learnt and I might ruffle my egoistic feathers just a tad or two by watching my dance performance again. 

Oh my. 

Today will be a good day. Because I say so. +)


Blogger Ms. Dee said...

Eesh... no long chats :( Was hoping to catch you onlining to chat again. (Cos seriously I've no one around to chat with :( ) Made me smile to see me being mentioned ^^ hahas... Hope you have a nice day :)

I'm being pestered and nagged to write resume's and letters to apply for temporary teacher -.- and also, to clean my room (and terminate any traces of SPM and STPM or whatsoever. lol.) Just one random day.

Sorry didn't email you tho :\

December 23, 2008 at 5:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wanna facebook you. but by some warped logic i'd rather not know how u look like cos i like the whole i dont know you you dont know me but i know about you and we're kinda sorta like friends thing hahaha. wtf.and it's fun not being able to judge someone through their looks but merely how they write. that's very nice you know :)

aiya i dunno what im rambling about but umm... see i read your blog ok! aaaanyway i dont even know your full name there are WAYYYY to many pauls in the world that could last another 21345657687653 years therefore i can never add you on fbook.

i wonder if paulpauayam works WTF tht is the most wicked name that ive heard of okay.hehehe

December 24, 2008 at 1:18 AM  

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