Sunday, December 14, 2008


In a world of change, where everyone wants change and governments are changing hands and politicians are stepping up proclaiming their latest propaganda and waving their newly printed manifestos and tossing unclear promises into the air, all I really want is some stability. Some solidness of ground. Some firmness of belief. Some sameness in emotions. Some unchanging changes.

I wish that I could know exactly what is going to happen so thus, I can prepare for it the best that I can. I want to be able to do that. 

But the future lies just ahead, unseen and slightly unclear.

You know how you sometimes spend half the time wondering whether you could actually figure out the future or at least put it into some kind of perspective? Or at least try and plan ahead and write things down in your little scheduler and next thing you know, you get your ass kicked to the curb by some unexpected incident that completely blows your mind?

I sit here at 2.40a.m. in the morning. It is quiet now. I miss typing in the quiet.

No other sound but the computer humming and the keys making their clacky clacky sounds as I put into words my silent thoughts.

I sniff. I think I'm getting a cold. Or maybe not.

Tonight I talked to MediMart and I was talking about how graduation was so overrated. And he said, "You're two years younger than me and already, you're wayy more cynical."

I guess, in a way, I am. Or maybe I just choose to see things in a certain light.

I read someone's blog who's starting line is "Life is like a sucks."

And I reflect on the subtitle of my blog that reads, "Life begins when you want it to."

I kinda like mine better. It speaks of hope and a brighter future...but only if you want it. Which is the main thing, really. A lot of people want a lot of things. But sometimes, they can only see the depth of the well and choose to ignore the rope and the bucket that is right in front of them.

I think its time I reached for that rope. And make something happen.


Blogger mart said...

what, a new blog?

December 14, 2008 at 11:48 PM  

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