Friday, February 27, 2009

You know what I did last weekend?

So last weekend was spent down in Palmy along with the Redhead where we choreographed half the dance routine and then danced pretty much for 3 days straight at various events and whathaveyou.

Sunday morning, we decided to join the ceroc group to showcase ceroc to the general public and we danced on Esplanade Day.

Do not be fooled by the glorious sunshine. The Redhead and I both got soaked dancing in the rain when we first started out. And then it continued to rain intermittently throughout the morning until it decided to clear up and everyone got dry.

Some fun rides to try out and heaps of food that was guaranteed to spoil appetite, as mums would admonish.
And hello, hello, the big star of the day was Ronald McDonald. Although I was very disappointed when he showed up with his hair nicely wavey. I thought he was meant to have a fricking afro! What happened to the Ronald of my day and age?

Ronny McDonny keeping the children mesmerised, as can be obviously seen. Some adults who didn't really get much of a childhood either joined in.

Blatant advertising going on, talking about how Maccas supports sports and they talked about the Olympic Games and singing about how you should "make it click!" when you're in the car, and it makes no difference if you're going near or far.

This was last night's dinner. After seeing chicken breasts on special for $11.99 per kilo which is the cheapest I've seen it in a long long long time, I decided to get a pack of three and roasted/baked two of them with orange peppers and red onions. Seasoning consisted of plain olive oil, salt, and pepper. Nothing fancy. I drizzled olive oil over the veges as well and to be health freak complete, I had steamed green beans. No salt, just steamed green beans.

I know, I know. *pats self on back*

And dear Lord, the chicken was good for lunch this afternoon with brown rice.

This weekend entails a day and night of dance extraordinaire in good ole' Welly.

Further photos to be posted up.

Have a good weekend everyone. And don't do what I won't do.


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