Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Today is a day...

That I cannot really be bothered with anything. My eyes are tired, I'm sleepy, I'm more than willing to head to bed and crash rather than get a workout done like I'm supposed to. I'm just tired. And I'm not too sure why.
Perhaps its the fact that I slept late last night. 11.30pm? Late? Seriously la, Pau Ayam, why you so like that one?
And not to mention tomorrow's schedule...
If I'm not mistaken and all of them turn up, I'll be seeing 11 patients. There is no way in hell I'm getting to silver ballroom classes on time.
But perhaps that's the way to go. If, say, I leave work at 4.30pm, I leave work and I don't think about it and its over then. I'll have to work on that. But I'm just a little tired now. It has been a day that I've not eaten enough, I could have slept more last night, I could even have possibly finished the "Do you dream of me?" routine, I could have done so much more and been so much more productive and yet...here I sit procrastinating again. What's new, isn't it?
Life's all about choices for the moment. Life is all about trying to get something done. I've got all these choices sitting in front of me and yet, at this point in time, I don't even want to take it. I just want to turn away and run. And disappear.
If you can dream and not make dreams your master - Rudyard Kipling.
To be in control of your dreams. To be in control of the dreams that you want so badly to happen. That you want to materialise rather than be little bits and pieces of your fragmented imagination.
I sit here and I glance at the subtitle of this blog and I find it hilariously sarcastic and ironic to a T.
Life begins when you want it to. Oh really now?
No doubt, no doubt, life starts when you say it does. It begins when you say "Yes." It begins when you say, "I QUIT", or "I'm sorry" or anything that perhaps comes to mind that brings forward acceptance, belonging, apologies, surrender, forgiveness, love.
But you know, sometimes, life just goes on without you. Yes, it tends to do that. And it happens more often than not.
What about a new subtitle?
"Life begins without you. Its time to catch up."
"Life doesn't need to wait for you. You're losing out by letting Life pass you by."
"Life begins when your sorry arse is buried six feet under."
"Life begins when you've finally gotten all your dog dung together."
"Life has already begun. In fact, its already ended. And where were you?"
"Life? You do mean life?"
"Life or death? That is the question..."
"Ah yes, Life. Only for some, my friend. Sometimes, only the lucky ones get it."
"Life? Waiting for you? You sure you meant life, right?"
"Life begins when you want it to. Where in Hades did you learn THAT from?"
Anyway. That's life.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny, when I first saw "pauayam" (I think in one of your email addresses) I had thought of it as Paua Yam. You know, yam/taro flavoured paua shells. But it is Pau Ayam... as in... chicken bun?
That is interesting.

For the rest of your post, I won't comment on it here. Just want you to know I'm reading.

February 24, 2009 at 4:02 PM  

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