So tell me.
I’m blog surfing with the “Next blog” button on and I keep coming up with mummy blogs, blogs about homeschooling kids and daddy blogs, recipe blogs and some random blogs that seem to want to talk to me about Malaysia and everything that I’m missing there from food to cheap electronic goods.
I thought a lot today.
I think I thought a lot more than I usually do. I sat down and I pondered about a lot of things and I wondered about some of the things I’ve done and the things that I’ve regretted.
In terms of what’s going to happen to me at the moment, I think I’ve decided to stay. I know. Sorry, Monica. At least I’ve grown up. And I think I’ve grown a pair.
Salsa class is continuing to grow, slowly but surely. I’m writing emails trying to advertise it a bit more now and hopefully, classes are going to continue to grow.
I also taught a class today, learning more complex moves. I’m hoping everyone is going to get it and get it well because I would hate to suck as a teacher.
Today, I thought about relationships and I thought about my stance against marriage and against kids and I wonder if it was wrong to think about having a girlfriend but not looking at carrying on with the marriage/kids plan. Apparently, not many women would want that. Most that I’ve met anyway seem to want to have to squeeze a rock melon from a hole with a circumference the size of a carrot. The joy after supposedly takes away the pain. I’ll take their word for it.
I’ve also been reading this blog and thinking about her. Yeah, her.
Since She Left…hm.
I’ve been tired tired for the past week or so. I can barely keep my eyes open at work and my coffee intake has gone through the flipping roof. I can’t wait to sleep in and completely crash when I find a suitable time.
I also found my old tumblr blog that I used once and never used again.
And I’m thinking of closing this blog down for good. Maybe its time that I put this behind me. And it’ll probably be for everyone’s good and wellbeing as well.
But if you close it down, what will I read??
Also, um, no kids over here. Not for a good long time, if ever. And I was looking for a fling and I caught feelings.
I wanna learn salsa!!
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