Monday, April 12, 2010

Open your hand.

And let it go. – Stephen.


Its funny how many times post a relationship that I have to tell myself that ad nauseum but I sometimes think the idea of it all tends to hit the person a lot later.

I’m back listening to love songs again. Yes, Sociologist. I really should share my playlist with you. +D

I listened to this song in 2004 in the middle of the night with a CD and a stereo when I couldn’t sleep. In the middle of winter, I huddled beneath my covers and fell asleep to the familiar lyrics and the rise and fall of voices and how all the pieces fall into place and that this was all written in the stars.

Had a good ballroom latin practice with FreshFaced Girl this morning where we spend around 3 hours tearing each dance to bits and trying to work out how a dance works. And we did an amazing quickstep and ended up flying across the floor. Good times, definitely.

While taking a bike ride around Wangy today, I thought of how little I appreciated nature. And the little things. Its hard to stop and smell the roses if they’re the least things on your mind.


I stopped to appreciate this sunset a few days ago. The sky was wayy more magnificent than this picture can every portray.

I could go on and wax lyrical about it but I think the picture justifies itself.

This place has offered me so much. As much as I’ve always complained about how I wanted to leave this place, I can’t forget to count my blessings. I’ve been lucky. For a while in time, I enjoyed my job. For a moment, dance became the fulfilling point in my life. For a candle flicker, the French Lady made my world whole and gave me a reason to stay.

But this has ended. Like the sunset to a day, my life here has ended and its time for me to go.


Had a discussion with the rest of the Brood and they all talked about moving away from the family home. I guessed I’m going to be heading down there for a good seven years or so, it seems. I’m not particularly sure what I want out of life at this very moment. But I think that I need a change.

Its 12.21a.m. and I’ve got work tomorrow.

This year promises a lot. The big wide unknown is out there and I am afraid to head out into it. I don’t know what’s going to happen. I don’t know whether I’ll ever make it through or whether I’ll survive the onslaught. I don’t know whether its worth it. I don’t know whether I’ll regret my decisions. I don’t know. I can’t say.

Its full of negatives, isn’t it?

But I guess that there is a time and a place for it. So I’ll stand up and face it. Put a happy smile on my face. I walk towards it, knowing that I was meant for this. No matter what it takes.

Whatever it takes.

This week is going to be an interesting one. Let’s see what happens.


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