Sunday, April 18, 2010

I appreciate: Worship songs.

This is something I can truly appreciate with every fibre of my being.

I was brought up in a Christian family. Church was pretty much my second home. My social circle revolved around church and church activities. From the first moment I start to remember, I’ve always been a Methodist through and through.

I loved music. And I loved songs. And that’s when it all began.

Starting from traditional hymns, I branched out into the beginning of Hillsong’s albums, found the less mainstream artists like Brian Doerksen’s “Remember Mercy”, started co-leading worship at Sunday School and then I continued to expand with my guitar and my keyboards.

Its been a while now.

Sometimes, I’m not sure why I’ve started listening to Christian music again. Maybe it brings back that part of my life back in the early ‘00 that this was what my life revolved about and how this brought back the familiar memories and how….secure things were.

And some songs never fail to bring a tear to my eye.

Or there’s something about the whole picture that never changes.

And in this life, this existence where things are constantly moving/changing/shaping/mutating, I’m glad that there’s a constant and its not me.


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