Saturday, August 8, 2009

Dragged out.

Today feels dragged out.

Today, I had work and I finished at around 3.30pm in the afternoon. I followed this up with a 1 hour bike ride, nice and easy.

Weather again was beautiful to a T. Couldn’t ask for anything better, really. Sun was out and the wind was just on the side of chilly. But nothing me and my jacket couldn’t handle. I even decided to go biking WITHOUT a helmet so I could feel the wind in my hair for once.

This is what happens when I pick a direction to cycle in. Just any random direction, no real selections. I thought to myself, I’m just going to start pedalling in one direction, explore some side streets and then work my way back again. Now this was in a neighbourhood somewhere north of the hospital. Obviously, the weather was still pretty darn amazing.

Nothing quite beats pedalling across roads and footpaths with randomly shuffled music playing in your ears.


I managed to find the golf course that The Pharmacist and I once stood on the driving range and smacked golf balls into the distance. There’s a few sheep just on the other side of the fence. I wonder how many ever get concussed by a stray golf ball. Hm.


This is probably the more “upper crust” suburb of Wangy. Pretty flash houses here, all preferably in brick and everything is trim and proper. Seems like our own little version of Wisteria Lane.


I stopped at the end of this road, thinking that I’ve probably gone far enough and decided to head back. To my delight (and I honestly was delighted), it was an hour’s worth of exploring and I did that to the max today. I did tell myself that I wanted to bike and follow the river upstream but that might be for tomorrow.

Or the weekend after.

Work was all right today. It pretty much drained me mentally for some reason. I didn’t exactly see too many people but it still was quite an intense thing for my brain.

Oh, funny little thing. The Sociologist had signed up for Twitter and had added me to her Twitter list. And I was thinking, “EH? I have Twitter?”

Apparently, I have.


Oh good heavens. Luckily, I haven’t succumbed.

And I got this little juicy piece on Friday.

Click to read contents.

But Oh Em Jee!! It’s coming!!!


That ends my work-addled brain rant. Nights.


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