Thursday, April 30, 2009

This made me laugh/Ignorance IS bliss.


Honestly, having a dirty mind sometimes just makes life so much more bearable.

And if you don’t get it, its okay. The rest of us will just laugh and you can figure it out later.

welly night

This was taken on a dark hill overlooking Welly. Sometimes, it looks pretty nice.


On a more serious note, I figured that ignorance can actually be bliss. And I found out how.

Today, while screening someone’s notes, I read the comment, “Patient is pleasantly confused.”

Initially, I snickered over it, thinking, “How on earth can anyone be pleasantly confused? What an idiot.”

Then I met the dear old patient.

She was indeed, pleasantly confused, if anything else. She smiled and wandered aimlessly up and down the hallway, wanting to stick her nose into everyone’s business and even when they responded rudely, she just smiled and toddled off someplace else to annoy someone or look into something.

Ignorance, truly bliss, perhaps?

Who knows, eh?

But I would hate to be in her shoes. Or hate to be in that state of mind.

So caught up in my own little confused world that I end up being a nuisance to everyone else around me.

I would also hate to end up like Miss Personality Disorder, snapping one moment, smiling sweetly the next. Terrible to a t, that my own family does not want me home.

Kill me before that ever happens. Please.


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