Sunday, April 19, 2009

So I've been cheating.

...cheating on my blog with Microsoft Live Writer, that is. Honestly, some entries will go up before I die. If not, then it'll be unpublished a.ka. Nikki Gemmell a.ka. Anonymous. For more info, please click The Bride Stripped Bare.

Today is a weird weird day. Weird indeed and for some reason, I can't quite describe it.

Walking along the corridor, I was filled with a sense of religious fervour. No, Easter's passed and gone. Not that kind of religious Crusades fervour I was talking about. More like the glazed look of David Koresh's brides full of admiration and adoration. The blind belief. The untrusting, unwavering belief of one man's word.

In a way, I wanted that. To be completely blindsided to the point where I could walk straight into a spear and not feel pain.

Today is a weird day.

Today is a day where I got called back to the hospital and the lady I was supposed to have seen was discharged already. Oh, I get 20 minutes worth of call out pay, though, so I guess its worth it.

Today is a day that I also got to practise my dancing. Currently to date, I'm dancing 4 nights a week. And all ballroom too. I'm wondering if I'm pushing myself just a little too far right now.

Today is a weird day.

Today, I sat down with 300g of topside steak, grilled medium and a whole tray of slab cut fries which I polished off in front of the tv. Later, I felt sleepy but couldn't or was unable to sleep.

Today, I wanted something deep and insightful, thoughtful and provocative, emotional and challenging.

But I found an empty brain.

You wear a mask for so long, you forget who you were beneath it. - Gordon Dietrich

Indeed, we try and blend in with society, rather than stand out, that we end up just like it. Mud smeared. Smoke coated. Exhaust fume perfumes.

In some ways, I think I will be happy with a desk-chained job in front of a computer. I really should have considered IT as an option.

Fscking hell.

In a weird way, sitting in front of a glowing computer monitor in a darkened library room seems just the place for me. Just me and the world to wander through the magic of my fingers and the clicks of a mouse.

I'm happy here. Just me. Just me.


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