Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Make you Happy

I was born to make you happy.


On a side note, I don't think I can ever be a professional blogger. As much as I like blogging, I sometimes lapse so far in between posts that my readers probably think I'm dead.

Last night, I went to the Bar for a bit of dancing. 

Atmoshere was slightly more lively now, especially with more people attending and a lot more people showing off. The air was boistery with people singing karaoke and us trying to dance to Mambo No.5. A hell of a song to dance to. Never. Ever. Again. I guess some people can pull it off but moi, probably not.

And as I sat there, with the coloured lights spinning and the music pounding through my ears and I watched dancers spinning and spinning and twisting, I wondered what really made me happy.

As in truly truly truly happy.

What makes you happy?

For me, its a combination of little little things. Its getting in a dance in an impromptu moment. Its perfecting a song down to the last beat. Its feeling the pervading passion of a dance. Its eating indomee at 3pm with a perfectly fried egg and getting the awesome first bite. Its Maccas at 3am in the morning with a Big Mac Attack. Its watching a sunset with someone who truly matters. Its stealing a kiss in the morning and seeing her smile. Its holding hands, never mind the sweatiness, never mind the stares or the looks or the gossip. Its watching a movie and having her snuggle up close. Its feeling free after exams. Its laughing until you can't breathe. Its doing a random spin down the street and smiling at the people smiling bemusedly back at you. Its talking with a close friend and saying nothing really worth saying but its all worth it anyway. Its running away for a 3 hour period and its all good. Lunch on the waterfront. Its a moment where I'm just lying on the couch, content. Its on the dance floor, heart pounding, sweating pouring down and I smile at you and you smile at me and its being lost in the moment, lost in the beat.

What makes you happy?

And if it makes you happy, what would you to do to keep it? Or to at least make sure its always there? 

And again, this question haunts me. What would I do if I wasn't afraid? 

In regards to a previously titled "Subtitle", I'm quite happy to divulge the series of questions I usually ask.

Okay, just in regards to these questions, I ask them especially to people I've just met as a sort of icebreaker thing in order to get to know them a little better. And then I decide whether I like them or not. Kidding. +)

1. Would you die in extreme heat or extreme cold?

2. If you had a partner/spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend and s/he was to leave you for someone else, would you rather s/he leave you for a guy or a girl? Reasons why required. 

3. Imagine someone really close to you sick with something, in constant agonising pain and s/he is going to die. And s/he asks you to take a gun and shoot them as an act of mercy, would you do it?
Reasons why required.

4. Imagine someone gives you a bag full of fake ID, passports, and 50,000 Euros and asks you to disappear. In return, he will give you  a whole new identity but the twist is that you have to leave your entire current existence behind and not keep in contact with anyone from your old life. Will you do it? Reasons why or why not required.

Feel free to do it. And if you want to post answers, please comment. +) Would love to see what responses I get.

Rightyo. That's the end for blogging today. 


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