Friday, November 13, 2009

Last day.

“My best friend gave me the best advice
He said life’s a gift and not a given right” – Nickelback

This song, interestingly enough, seems to be made of cliche after cliche. But damn. There’s some powerful stuff in there.

On a different note, Sister Pharmacist is leaving today. Feel a bit sad for her as her future seems so uncertain and she can’t be sure what’s going to happen. But I guess we’ll keep in touch through Facebook and the occasional texts.

But somehow, I envy her.

I guess, sometimes, it seems a bit of a thrill to know that tomorrow, you’re not going to wake up. Makes like all that more worth living, I think.


Dory caught up with me recently on Gmail chat and mentioned that I’ve been a little quiet lately. Which is true. And she also mentioned that I seem to fret about physio and dancing. Which is true. I can see the honesty in those statements because hell yeah, if there’s one thing I do best nowadays is to fret like crazy. Because I have nothing better to do.

There’s a salsa party this weekend down in Palmy. I can’t quite justify the reason to go for the party. Especially since I’m going to have nowhere to stay and I’m going to end up effectively stranded. Unless I book myself in a motel and then catch a bus back the next day.

Of course, I can take the easy way by asking either KindEyes or someone to give me a lift there and back. Or I could get a bus down and then get KindEyes to give me a lift back. Huh.

Thing is, me being me, I don’t like asking favours from people I don’t really know. And the trip to Palmy is 45 mins. I’m not going to sit next to someone in a car and blab on for 45 mins because I feel uncomfortable with the silence.

And funnily enough, at one stage in life, I told myself that its okay to be quiet. And I guess I ended up enduring the awkward silent moments rather than venture to say something. And me and someone else will end up sitting there steeping in all this awkward silence. Ugh.

I guess the easy way out for me then would be to take a bus.

Or heck. Just not go.

I’m not exactly going to be enjoying myself especially since the moves I know are limited. Let’s just wait until I’m more advanced, anyway. There’s always a chance of a good rueda but I’d rather not hold my breath.

And besides, I was longing for a weekend here just doing nothing in particular. I might just do that.

And besides, I’ve got a few blog posts that I’ve been thinking of crafting for a long time but have never done.

It shall be a day of website tweaking, designing and blogging. Woohoo!

I know. I don’t have too much of a life.

But Hellgate: London will keep me occupied in the meantime. +D


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