Monday, February 16, 2009


No. no. For those of me who know me better, this ain't some romantic puke-inducing post. Rather, a more poignant, thought inducing post than I would have liked. I typed this last night shortly before midnight and my eyelids were drooping like crazy. And blessedly enough, I went straight to sleep right after that.
Now, a lot of my blog posts usually results from conversations that I have with people or with myself. So as you can tell, I talked a lot to a lot of people and found out a lot of people are quite bloody clueless when you mention love and ask them to define it.

And its probably just my stereotyping going on but I was really expecting a lot of the ladies. Maybe spending a dancing weekend with a slightly depressed friend made it all the more worse for wear than I realised. But she, and other women besides that I put the question to could not come up with something that made me go, "Oh, yeah..."
Nothing really made sense so far.

To wax biblical, God is love. Define God, then. Or love. Or whatever in between.
To wax an old Honda car ad circa 1991-1992..."Love is good, love is kind, love's a heavenly state of mind, people in love are everywhere, falling in love everywhere, 'cos people love, DRIVING THE HONDA CIVIC."
I know. Kill mood, right? Anyway, more serious stuff now.
Love: Define it.

Love was the topic of conversation today. And many people were left speechless and puzzled.

Maybe we take the idea of love for granted. Asking one person what does s/he mean by love and you get all different kinds of answers. Or in the case of speechless people, no answers at all. Just, "Uh....."

Two specific words were tossed at me today regarding love. Sacrifice and commitment. But is that really all there is to it?

NO! I can literally hear these words screamed at me by readers. There's a lot more to love than just that.

Funny how something like the topic of love can be so...controversial, isn't it?

Coming from a Christian background, Love was defined in 1 Corinthians Chapter 4 verse 23, if I'm not mistaken. For those of you who do share the same background, its a familiar verse. And for those of you who don't, you probably would have heard this anyway. The whole "Love is good, love is kind, it does not judge..." and so on and so forth.

But then again, all these words like "good" and "kind" and "does not judge" is still pretty open for interpretation, isn't it? If someone quotes the definition of love as above, I would like them to also define "good", "kind", "does not judge" and all that other bits and pieces of it.

Does good mean good  or "not bad" or does it mean that something is all right? Or it is pure and holy, to chuck in some biblical terms, for that matter?

What about kind then? Is it helping do the dishes when your other half is busy? Closing the door quietly and sneaking around the house when the other half is sleeping? Staying up late at night to nurse a sick child? Is being kind to mean being considerate?

Now, does not judge? Is it a racial thing? A prejudice thing? A notion to decrease preconception of ideas and stigmas and stereotypes?

Where do I even begin regarding this topic? I'm haplessly lost already.

Its 4 minutes to midnight. Today is the 15th of February, 2009. Flowers and expensive gifts and dinners and roses and cards and kisses and hugs were all exchanged yesterday and all in the name of Love.

And in celebration of the festival of Love that is celebrated at a worldwide scale, I would like to ask you to define love for me. What is love and what does it mean to you? And what does it mean to say "I love you"?

Oh, walking home today from doing groceries, I looked up in the sky and noticed a broken heart cloud or put in better words, a cloud shaped like a broken heart. Wished I had my phone with me but I went for a run. That was irony, ladies and gentlemen. The cloud, not my lack of a phone.


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