Thursday, July 9, 2009


dance rego card

So I guessed I’ve made it here. So far.

Above is my dance registration card. I’ve not shown the back but it basically shows when I get to upgrade to D Grade dancer. But that will be a while yet, though. And a lot of comps to do.

sunlight afternoon

I’ve been asked a lot of questions about what Wangy is like. And out of all the complaints I’ve given about it, weather, people, job, town, etc, I cannot ever seem to comment anything that terrible about the weather. Was down in Welly recently and man, the weather greeted me like a wet drooling rabid dog. Sad to leave the people, glad to leave the weather.

And above, is Wangy day before yesterday. Slightly warm to touch, the wind just a whisper, I took my cardiac rehab group out for a walk along the tracks and we enjoyed copiously luxurious amounts of sunshine.

One of my worst (I’d say worst but then again, it ain’t that bad, really. Come to think of it….) fears would be that I would end up staying here forever and die a physio. It honestly isn’t that bad when I think about it. I mean, I’ve got my dance, my ballroom, I’ve got plenty of opportunity to expand and improve myself and here I will be for a while, finishing off my contract. And then I’ll see what happens.

But and I’m so sick of the words “but” right now…

I can’t say for sure, can I?

I’m thinking of upgrading my phone/getting a new comp/rebooting my computer so my bloody system runs just that much faster.

But then again, with all the piling expenses of ballroom adding up at the current moment, its getting slightly expensive. Bleh.


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