Friday, July 10, 2009

Ponderings 2.

Today, a patient threw a temper tantrum at me because her doctor promised her a portable oxygen bottle without considering the fact that we don’t have bottles to give out to any Tom, Dick, and Harry that wanted one. Besides, oxygen doesn’t treat breathlessness, it treats hypoxia.


But then again, she was too pissed off with me to notice. Or to consider.

Somehow, the doctor still isn’t wrong. Its all the rest of us who suck.

Honestly, I wonder why the world hold doctors in such valuable regard. As though they’re infallible, completely unable to do anything wrong.

They’re human beings too. Sometimes, I wished I could give that doctor a piece of my mind. Plus an enema up his……posterior crevasse.
Today, I met with a patient. 75 year old lady with peripheral neuropathy. Poor lady. She was still independent but shaky on her feet. She was driving but she was worried that she’ll deteriorate. And with the advancements in medicine not quite yet enough to deal with all of this, she was afraid that she would be wheelchair bound.

“Don’t get old,” she told me.

I wont. I said. I’ll shoot myself when I turn 40.

Made me think, that one.
When dealing with Temper Tantrum Lady as above, her poor long suffering husband came into the room and she complained and complained and complained to him about the poor service, about being lied to, etc. And he took it all in. She was soooo fricking talkative that she talked until she was completely out of breath and she KEPT talking. Some people. Gosh. She was huffing and puffing and on 2 litres of oxygen but yet she just wouldn’t shut the fsck up and pipe down for once.

The nurses and I were in the nursing station and they wondered how this man put up with her for 40 years.

I chipped in my two cents.

Love is blind, deaf, and mute.

Sounds cheesy, right? But honestly. Sometimes, if you love someone, you don’t see them, you don’t hear them. And you don’t say a fscking thing.

I admire people with that kind of drive and dedication. I think it takes the phrase “for better, for worse, in sickness and in health, til death do us part” to a whole new dimension.

Looking at some people like that, I honestly wonder how some people even bother to make an effort.

What was really ironic was that this woman proclaimed to be Catholic and talked about how important it was that she attended church, etc, she gave to charity and does everything good.

But after her Oscar winning performance today, where she pretty much yelled out everything to me and then went to the phone and yelled about the physio who kept making her do exercises and wouldn’t give her oxygen and the whole ward could hear her, I am ashamed to be part of that lot.

Call yourself a Christian, do you? Shame on you. You’ll probably burn in Hell and gnash your teeth and be set alight with fire and brimstone and sulphur and I’ll be right there to stoke the flames.

‘Course, I can judge ‘cos I don’t believe in that “Do not judge” bullsh|t.

Just some thoughts today.

I’m working this weekend but it won’t be too bad. Plus, we’ve got a long 2 hour dance session this Sunday so that’s definitely something to look forward to.

I really think I should get home internet. Hm.


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